The General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR for short) is set to take effect soon and impacts anyone who handles EU citizen and resident personal data.
Looking at the GDPR for ecommerce especially, there are lots of questions and concerns that merchants have at the moment.
With huge fines and other serious consequences, it is very important that ecommerce merchants understand what these rules mean for their business and how they can prepare for them.
Please note: we are not lawyers. Therefore, don’t take this educational content as being legal advice. As it is a law that hasn’t been implemented yet, there will be many specific situations and even exceptions. If you have specific questions, consult an attorney with knowledge of the new GDPR.
Also note that, if you’re on Omnisend, there’s no need to worry. Huge new laws can be seem very scary, but Omnisend is making sure the way you collect and store personal data is GDPR-compliant.
Over the next few weeks we’ll unveil effective, GDPR-ready ways to make sure you’re covered when it comes to your marketing automation.
What is the GDPR and when does it take effect?
The GDPR concerns the personal data protection of European Union citizens.
It determines the ways that personal data about EU citizens can be handled, within the EU and outside the EU in other countries.
The GDPR takes effect on May 25, 2018.
The main aim of the GDPR is to actually give the control of the data back to the citizens and residents of the EU. That means that they will be able to determine who has access to their data.
This includes the ability to demand that any personal data stored previously by a business, including an online store, be deleted or modified quickly and permanently.
The GDPR will also simplify the regulation requirements for international businesses, who often had to comply with different sets of rules for different counties in the EU.
The new GDPR will replace the 1995 Data Protection Directive. Unlike the previous directive, however, which required each participating nation to adopt legislation for the rules, the GDPR bypasses that and is directly applicable.
That’s why it’s important that you understand how you can be impacted by the GDPR and what you need to do in order to get ready.
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