Thursday, February 8, 2018


By: Anna

Often, the first thing you notice about someone is their smile. It’s also what you remember about someone with an especially beautiful smile.

A logo acts as the smile of your online store. It’s the first image people see, and the thing that people are most likely to remember about your brand. To make a great first impression and ensure you are easily recognisable to your customers, you need an awesome logo to win them over.


Image matters - especially in the ecommerce world. Your visual representation is what distinguishes you from all those other online stores, and having a recognisable brand identity sets you apart from the average ecommerce store.

A logo is the most important element of your visual identity. It determines your appearance online and connects you to your shoppers in three ways:


You should be branding all your online and offline content, and your logo is your most powerful weapon. Many people remember visuals, and colours and images stick more than text. Having your logo present on your website, your business cards, in your communications and on your packaging adds credibility to your brand. Creating a consistent identity shows professionalism and reliability.


Once customers have seen your logo a couple of times, they’ll start to remember you by this image. Not only is your brand now more memorable, but there’s also a possibility that these visitors will turn into loyal, returning customers. Next time they’re on the hunt for something your business offers, there’s a good chance your logo will spring to mind.


Once you’ve built a memorable logo and brand identity, people will start to trust your brand. Consistency creates a feeling of familiarity and makes your business appear more professional. By consistently delivering value to your customers, they will begin to associate your logo with a reliable, high-quality brand. As a result, they are likely to give you great reviews and recommend you to their friends and family. This is an excellent way to establish a base of trust with new customers visiting your online store.


Designing a logo that suits your brand, values and image is not an easy task. It’s not quite as simple as drawing a circle and pasting your company name smack-bang in the middle. There’s so much more involved in creating a powerful logo for your ecommerce store.


Before diving into the design process, it’s important to conduct research in order to understand which logos work and why. Without any direction or inspiration, it’s hard to create a logo that represents your brand and makes you memorable. You can avoid the painful trial and error process by doing your research and learning from other brands’ experiences. This will save you a lot of time and money. Research the following areas in preparation for your logo design process:

1. Recent design trends
2. Common practices in your industry
3. The taste of your target customers
4. The meaning and power of different design elements such as colours, shapes, negative space etc.

Understanding the elements of logo design will set you up for the creative process, provide clarity of what sort of logo suits your brand and product offering, and ensures that you are happy with the outcome of the design process.


There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ when it comes to creating a powerful logo. And there shouldn’t be. You should have a unique logo that represents your store and brand values. Nevertheless, there are a few basic design elements that you can use as guidelines in the process of finding your ideal logo.


Most successful logos are simple, text-based representations of a brand. Refrain from incorporating too many different elements and making your logo more complex than it needs to be. Easy, clear designs are more memorable and keep your brand professional.

Condor has kept it very simple, using only the name of their brand in a bold font. But it works. Condor has emerged as a successful bike seller, providing quality bike frames and everything that goes with it. Their logo represents their no-fuss, forward approach. If you think about it - doesn’t the font remind you of a speedy bike quickly racing ahead?

Similar to Condor’s clean design is the logo of CA Modern Home, a luxury furniture seller. The logo represents the simple, luxurious design of their furniture. They’re keeping it classy, starting with their logo.


Many shoppers nowadays will access your online store using a phone, so make sure that your visual brand identity is optimised for mobile phones. Ensure that your logo is scalable and looks good on a mobile screen.


Use your logo as a way of showing your visitors the value you can create for them. Add a tagline or image that represents your unique selling point and what products you offer. This way, you can use your logo to position yourself in your niche market, and set yourself apart from the competition. Start with the most sellable element of your brand and create a powerful logo around that.

Herschel’s backpacks are known for their durability and longevity. This is their unique selling point - and they certainly incorporate this into their logo. The design is similar to that of a quality stamp and makes a point of communicating Herschel’s brand values, citing the words “finest quality” and “trademark”.

Press’s logo instantly gives us an idea of what their products are all about. The healthy juices list the ingredients on their bottles - in the same way the letter ‘E’ in the logo is formed using three horizontal lines. The use of the droplet further communicates their brand values. Press’ logo very clearly represents their USP.


Images can be a powerful element in logo design, but they should be used with caution. Keeping them minimal is essential so that they don’t outshine the company name - the exception being if your logo is solely an image. No matter what, the image or icon used in your logo design needs to be tied to your offering, whilst also representing your brand identity and USP.

Target Dry uses a simple image of two mountains to accompany their brand name. The icon adds life to the logo, whilst clarifying exactly what purpose the product serves: keeping you dry in the great outdoors.

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