Monday, June 4, 2018

The Step-by-Step Guide to Google Analytics for Ecommerce

By: Ana Gotter

Google Analytics is an undeniably powerful tool all on its own. Even its most basic, easy-to-set up functions can show you things like how much traffic is coming to your site, where they’re coming from, and how they’re interacting with your site.

All of this is so important and helps you to track problem areas on your site and what’s causing people to leave early instead of converting.

That’s all well and great and that’s all some sites need in order to benefit from the data reporting platform. For ecommerce businesses, however, that information simply is not enough on its own.

You need to look at more than just how users are generally interacting with your site. You need to know how these actions specifically affect sales on different products. You want to be able to see how much revenue is being generated, how many transactions are happening, and more.

Google Analytics for ecommerce can show you that, but it’s not a built-in report. You need to set it up to specifically accommodate ecommerce tracking, and in this post, we’ll show you how.

Google Analytics for Ecommerce

Just to be clear, you don’t need to switch to a specialized version of Google Analytics for ecommerce businesses. You just need to set up your current analytics to better track the ecommerce side of your business.

To do this, you’ll take the current usage data and see how it interacts with information like transactions, revenue, and more. You can even see which marketing efforts are most effective at helping to drive these results.


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