Monday, January 15, 2018

Ecommerce Survey 2017: The Trials & Tribulations of a Booming Industry [Data]

By: Shanelle Mullin

Earlier this year, we embarked on a mission to improve our ecommerce blog. We sent out a 23-question reader survey to better understand who reads our blog, what they’re struggling with the most, and how we can help.

We received 1,988 responses from some of our most active blog subscribers.

Of course, we’re hard at work putting all of that data to good use, but we thought we’d share some of the highlights with you, the reader.

How old are you?
At the beginning of the survey, we asked some basic demographic questions, like gender and age. 45% of all survey respondents are over the age of 45:

More survey respondents are over the age of 65 than under the age of 25, proving that ecommerce is for anyone, at any age. (Check out Life Lessons from 9 Entrepreneurs Over 50.)

What’s really interesting is that survey respondents under 45 prefer to learn through blog posts while survey respondents over 45 prefer to learn through video. One might easily assume the opposite given the young demographics of Snapchat, Instagram, and other video-heavy platforms.

What industry are you in?
What are the most popular ecommerce industries to sell in? Over 1,500 people told us what industry they’re selling in to help us answer that very question. Fashion and apparel came out on top:

If you’re in the fashion industry, too, you might be interested in some of these resources:

1. 10 Stylish Ecommerce Website Designs from the Fashion World
2. 22 Top-Rated Shopify Apps for Fashion Stores
3. Branding Secrets from 14 Fashion Industry Experts
4. How to Start a Fashion Line: Secrets from a Project Runway Designer
5. The Unlikely Story of the Activist Who Shook up the Fashion World
6. [Free Report] Trends, Opportunities, and Pitfalls Fashion Retailers Can’t Ignore
7. How to Start a Jewellery Making Business: The Ultimate Guide

How would you rate your abilities?
We also wanted to explore our readers’ weaknesses and struggles so that we could craft content to help them through. So, we asked them to rate their abilities on a five-point scale.

Marketing-related abilities are consistently rated the lowest, meaning respondents struggle with them the most.

Respondents have the best handle on coming up with ideas for what to sell, rating that their top ability:

An impressive 26% gave themselves a five-star rating. More on this later, but I’m guessing those folks have read our How to Find a Product to Sell Online guide.

Getting traffic to your store and then converting that traffic into paying customers are the two biggest struggles:

23% of respondents gave themselves a one-star rating for traffic generation and 28% gave themselves a one-star rating for conversion optimization.

Ecommerce logistics like managing inventory and finances are the second biggest strength among survey respondents:


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